Once you have completed the mobile phone verification process, you can set the frequency of any text reminder by completing the steps listed under each option below:

To schedule text reminders via the challenge info page:

  1. Scroll through the challenge info page until you reach the Text Messaging section.
  2. Toggle the Status switch on to activate your text reminder for the challenge.
  3. Select the days and time you prefer to receive your text reminders and save your changes. 

To schedule text reminders via the Calendar page:

  1. From the Calendar page, click on the Text Reminders tab.

  2. Locate the desired challenge tracker and schedule the time and days you prefer to receive reminders. 

  3. Toggle the Status switch on

  4. Use the Save icon to activate your changes.

To schedule text reminders via text response:

  1. Simply text the challenge’s tracker name (all one word), enter a space, and type "ON" to the same number you received your verification from. 
    1. For example, to turn on text tracking for the Soup Kitchen challenge, you would send "SOUPKITCHEN ON"; text reminders are not case-sensitive. 
  2. A confirmation text will be delivered to you.

*Active challenge reminders will be sent every day at 8:00 AM by default, you can update your text reminder within the respective challenge's details page.